F1 DataWeb > Database > Constructor > Search > Result - MARUSSIA
Name | Nation | Official URL |
MARUSSIA | Russia | http://www.marussiaf1team.com/ |
Starts | Pass | Don't Qualify | Don't Start | Disqualify | |
Prequalify | 0car(s)[---] | 0car(s)[---] | 0car(s)[---] | 0car(s)[---] | 0car(s)[---] |
Qualify | 144car(s)[ 40th] | 144car(s)[ 39th] | 0car(s)[---] | 3car(s)[ 2nd] | 0car(s)[---] |
Final | 143car(s)[ 39th] | 2car(s)[ 34th] | 0car(s)[---] |
Champion / Best | ||
Champion | Counts | 0[---] |
Ratio | 0.0%[---] | |
Best | Qualify | 12th |
Final | 9th |
Tops | ||
Win | Cars | 0car(s)[---] |
Ratio | 0.0%[---] | |
Pole Position | Cars | 0car(s)[---] |
Ratio | 0.0%[---] | |
Fastest Lap | Cars | 0car(s)[---] |
Ratio | 0.0%[---] | |
Pole to Win | Cars | 0car(s)[---] |
Ratio | 0.0%[---] | |
Grandlslam | Cars | 0car(s)[---] |
Ratio | 0.0%[---] |
Podium / Prize | ||
Podium | Cars | 0car(s)[---] |
Ratio | 0.0%[---] | |
Podium (ex. Win) |
Cars | 0car(s)[---] |
Ratio | 0.0%[---] | |
Prize | Cars | 1car(s)[ 79th] |
Ratio | 0.7%[ 89th] | |
Prize (ex. Podium) |
Cars | 1car(s)[ 74th] |
Ratio | 0.7%[ 87th] |
Lifetime | |
Finish Ratio | 88.1%[ 13th] |
Points | 2pts.[ 66th] |
Laps | 7,693laps[ 34th] |
Leader Laps | 0laps[---] |
Race | Grandprix | |
First Entry | 2012 Round1 Australia | |
First Final | 1st race[ 1st] | 2012 Round1 Australia |
First Finish | 1st race[ 1st] | 2012 Round1 Australia |
First Prize | 45th race[ 88th] | 2014 Round6 Monaco |
First Podium | ---[---] | --- |
First Win | ---[---] | --- |
First PP | ---[---] | --- |
First FL | ---[---] | --- |
Last Entry | 2015 Round19 Abu Dhabi | |
Last Final | 2015 Round19 Abu Dhabi | |
Last Finish | 2015 Round19 Abu Dhabi | |
Last Prize | 2014 Round6 Monaco | |
Last Podium | --- | |
Last Win | --- | |
Last PP | --- | |
Last FL | --- |
1950 | ||||||||||
1960 | ||||||||||
1970 | ||||||||||
1980 | ||||||||||
1990 | ||||||||||
2000 | ||||||||||
2010 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | ||||||
2020 |
Round | Date | Grandprix | Circuit | Qualify / Grid | Final | ||||
T.Glock | C.Pic | T.Glock | C.Pic | ||||||
1 | 2012-03-18 | Australia | Albert Park | 21th | 20th | 22th | 21th | 14th | 15th |
2 | 2012-03-25 | Malaysia | Sepang | 21th | 20th | 22th | 21th | 17th | 20th |
3 | 2012-04-15 | China | Shanghai | 21th | 20th | 22th | 21th | 19th | 20th |
4 | 2012-04-22 | Bahrain | Bahrain International | 23th | 23th | 21th | 19th | 19th | r |
5 | 2012-05-13 | Spain | Catalunya | 21th | 21th | 20th | 20th | 18th | r |
6 | 2012-05-27 | Monaco | Monte Carlo | 20th | 19th | 22th | 21th | 14th | r |
7 | 2012-06-10 | Canada | Montreal | 22th | 21th | 23th | 23th | r | 20th |
8 | 2012-06-24 | Europe | Valencia | ns | 23th | 23th | ns | 15th | |
9 | 2012-07-08 | Great Britain | Silverstone | 21th | 20th | 24th | 24th | 18th | 19th |
10 | 2012-07-22 | Germany | Hockenheim | 22th | 22th | 21th | 20th | 22th | 20th |
11 | 2012-07-29 | Hungary | Hungaroring | 22th | 22th | 21th | 21th | 21th | 20th |
12 | 2012-09-02 | Belgium | Spa-Francorchamps | 21th | 20th | 23th | 22th | 15th | 16th |
13 | 2012-09-09 | Italy | Monza | 20th | 19th | 21th | 20th | 17th | 16th |
14 | 2012-09-23 | Singapore | Marina Bay Street | 21th | 20th | 22th | 21th | 12th | 16th |
15 | 2012-10-07 | Japan | Suzuka | 20th | 18th | 22th | 21th | 16th | r |
16 | 2012-10-14 | Korea | Korea International | 22th | 20th | 21th | 24th | 18th | 19th |
17 | 2012-10-28 | India | Buddh International | 21th | 21th | 24th | 24th | 20th | 19th |
18 | 2012-11-04 | Abu Dhabi | Yas Marina | 21th | 21th | 19th | 19th | 14th | r |
19 | 2012-11-18 | United States | Circuit of the Americas | 19th | 19th | 20th | 20th | 19th | 20th |
20 | 2012-11-25 | Brazil | Interlagos | 21th | 21th | 22th | 22th | 16th | 12th |
Round | Date | Grandprix | Circuit | Qualify / Grid | Final | ||||
M.Chilton | J.Bianchi | M.Chilton | J.Bianchi | ||||||
1 | 2013-03-17 | Australia | Albert Park | 20th | 20th | 19th | 19th | 17th | 15th |
2 | 2013-03-24 | Malaysia | Sepang | 21th | 21th | 19th | 19th | 16th | 13th |
3 | 2013-04-14 | China | Shanghai | 19th | 19th | 18th | 18th | 17th | 15th |
4 | 2013-04-21 | Bahrain | Bahrain International | 22th | 21th | 20th | 19th | 20th | 19th |
5 | 2013-05-12 | Spain | Catalunya | 21th | 21th | 20th | 20th | 19th | 18th |
6 | 2013-05-26 | Monaco | Monte Carlo | 20th | 22th | 21th | 20th | 14th | r |
7 | 2013-06-09 | Canada | Montreal | 21th | 20th | 20th | 19th | 19th | 17th |
8 | 2013-06-30 | Great Britain | Silverstone | 21th | 20th | 19th | 19th | 17th | 16th |
9 | 2013-07-07 | Germany | Nurburgring | 22th | 22th | 20th | 20th | 19th | r |
10 | 2013-07-28 | Hungary | Hungaroring | 22th | 22th | 21th | 21th | 17th | 16th |
11 | 2013-08-25 | Belgium | Spa-Francorchamps | 16th | 16th | 15th | 15th | 19th | 18th |
12 | 2013-09-08 | Italy | Monza | 22th | 22th | 21th | 21th | 20th | 19th |
13 | 2013-09-22 | Singapore | Marina Bay Street | 22th | 22th | 21th | 21th | 17th | 18th |
14 | 2013-10-06 | Korea | Korea International | 22th | 21th | 21th | 22th | 17th | 16th |
15 | 2013-10-13 | Japan | Suzuka | 19th | 18th | 22th | 21th | 19th | r |
16 | 2013-10-27 | India | Buddh International | 22th | 22th | 19th | 19th | 17th | 18th |
17 | 2013-11-03 | Abu Dhabi | Yas Marina | 21th | 20th | 19th | 21th | 21th | 20th |
18 | 2013-11-17 | United States | Circuit of the Americas | 22th | 21th | 20th | 19th | 21th | 18th |
19 | 2013-11-24 | Brazil | Interlagos | 22th | 22th | 21th | 21th | 19th | 17th |
Round | Date | Grandprix | Circuit | Qualify / Grid | Final | |||||||
R.Merhi | W.Stevens | A.Rossi | R.Merhi | W.Stevens | A.Rossi | |||||||
1 | 2015-03-15 | Australia | Albert Park | ns | ns | |||||||
2 | 2015-03-29 | Malaysia | Sepang | 19th | 19th | 20th | 20th | 15th | ns | |||
3 | 2015-04-12 | China | Shanghai | 20th | 20th | 19th | 19th | 16th | 15th | |||
4 | 2015-04-19 | Bahrain | Bahrain International | 19th | 19th | 18th | 18th | 17th | 16th | |||
5 | 2015-05-10 | Spain | Catalunya | 20th | 20th | 19th | 19th | 18th | 17th | |||
6 | 2015-05-24 | Monaco | Monte Carlo | 20th | 19th | 19th | 18th | 16th | 17th | |||
7 | 2015-06-07 | Canada | Montreal | 18th | 16th | 19th | 17th | r | 17th | |||
8 | 2015-06-21 | Austria | A1-Ring | 19th | 15th | 20th | 16th | 14th | r | |||
9 | 2015-07-05 | Great Britain | Silverstone | 20th | 20th | 19th | 19th | 12th | 13th | |||
10 | 2015-07-26 | Hungary | Hungaroring | 19th | 19th | 20th | 20th | 15th | 16th | |||
11 | 2015-08-23 | Belgium | Spa-Francorchamps | 20th | 17th | 19th | 15th | 15th | 16th | |||
12 | 2015-09-06 | Italy | Monza | 19th | 14th | 18th | 13th | 16th | 15th | |||
13 | 2015-09-20 | Singapore | Marina Bay Street | 19th | 19th | 20th | 20th | 15th | 14th | |||
14 | 2015-09-27 | Japan | Suzuka | 19th | 18th | 20th | 19th | 19th | 18th | |||
15 | 2015-10-11 | Russia | Sochi | 19th | 18th | 18th | 17th | 13th | 14th | |||
16 | 2015-10-25 | United States | Circuit of the Americas | 19th | 19th | 18th | 17th | r | 12th | |||
17 | 2015-11-01 | Mexico | Mexico City | 19th | 17th | 18th | 16th | 16th | 15th | |||
18 | 2015-11-15 | Brazil | Interlagos | 19th | 18th | 18th | 17th | 17th | 18th | |||
19 | 2015-11-29 | Abu Dhabi | Yas Marina | 20th | pit-lane | 19th | 19th | 19th | 18th |