Result - TALBOT

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Name Nation


Starts Pass Don't Qualify Don't Start Disqualify
Prequalify 0car(s)[---] 0car(s)[---] 0car(s)[---] 0car(s)[---] 0car(s)[---]
Qualify 81car(s)[ 53th] 81car(s)[ 51th] 0car(s)[---] 0car(s)[---] 0car(s)[---]
Final 80car(s)[ 51th]

1car(s)[ 45th] 0car(s)[---]

Champion / Best
Champion Counts 0[---]
Ratio 0.0%[---]
Best Qualify 4th
Final 3rd

Win Cars 0car(s)[---]
Ratio 0.0%[---]
Pole Position Cars 0car(s)[---]
Ratio 0.0%[---]
Fastest Lap Cars 0car(s)[---]
Ratio 0.0%[---]
Pole to Win Cars 0car(s)[---]
Ratio 0.0%[---]
Grandlslam Cars 0car(s)[---]
Ratio 0.0%[---]

Podium / Prize
Podium Cars 2car(s)[ 46th]
Ratio 2.5%[ 46th]
(ex. Win)
Cars 2car(s)[ 42th]
Ratio 2.5%[ 46th]
Prize Cars 9car(s)[ 53th]
Ratio 11.2%[ 62th]
(ex. Podium)
Cars 7car(s)[ 50th]
Ratio 8.8%[ 57th]

Finish Ratio 50.0%[ 73th]
Points 0pts.[---]
Laps 2,732laps[ 62th]
Leader Laps 5laps[ 48th]

Race Grandprix
First Entry
1950 Round1 Great Britain
First Final 1st race[ 1st] 1950 Round1 Great Britain
First Finish 1st race[ 1st] 1950 Round1 Great Britain
First Prize 1st race[ 1st] 1950 Round1 Great Britain
First Podium 3rd race[ 15th] 1950 Round4 Swiss
First Win ---[---] ---
First PP ---[---] ---
First FL ---[---] ---
Last Entry
1951 Round8 Spain
Last Final
1951 Round8 Spain
Last Finish
1951 Round8 Spain
Last Prize
1951 Round3 Belgium
Last Podium
1950 Round5 Belgium
Last Win
Last PP
Last FL


1950 1950 1951

Year - 1950

T26C, T26C-DA, T26C-GS
Finish Ratio
Qualify Best
Final Best
Round Date Grandprix Circuit Qualify / Grid Final
J.Claes E.Martin L.Rosier Y.Giraud-Cabantous P.Etancelin H.Schell P.Levegh E.Chaboud R.Sommer C.Pozzi H.Louveau G.Mairesse J.Claes E.Martin L.Rosier Y.Giraud-Cabantous P.Etancelin H.Schell P.Levegh E.Chaboud R.Sommer C.Pozzi H.Louveau G.Mairesse
1 1950-05-13 Great Britain Silverstone 21th 21th 7th 7th 9th 9th 6th 6th 14th 14th 11th r 5th 4th 8th
2 1950-05-21 Monaco Monte Carlo 19th 19th 10th 10th 4th 4th 7th r r
3 1950-05-30 Indianapolis Indianapolis
4 1950-06-04 Swiss Bremgarten 14th 14th 9th 9th 10th 10th 7th 7th 6th 6th 18th 18th 10th r 3rd r r 8th
5 1950-06-18 Belgium Spa-Francorchamps 14th 14th 8th 8th 9th 9th 7th 7th 10th 10th 13th 13th 5th 5th 8th 3rd r r 7th r r
6 1950-07-02 France Reims 15th 15th 6th 6th 5th 5th 4th 4th 9th 9th 10th ns 17th 17th 16th 16th r 6th 8th 5th r 5th r 6th
7 1950-09-03 Italy Monza 22th 22th 13th 13th 16th 16th 20th 20th 8th 8th 14th 14th 11th 11th r 4th 5th r r r r

To Top

Year - 1951

T26C, T26C-DA, T26C-GS
Finish Ratio
Qualify Best
Final Best
Round Date Grandprix Circuit Qualify / Grid Final
J.Claes Y.Giraud-Cabantous H.Louveau L.Rosier G.Mairesse P.Etancelin F.Gonzalez L.Chiron A.Pilette P.Levegh E.Chaboud D.Hamilton J.Swaters G.Grignard J.Claes Y.Giraud-Cabantous H.Louveau L.Rosier G.Mairesse P.Etancelin F.Gonzalez L.Chiron A.Pilette P.Levegh E.Chaboud D.Hamilton J.Swaters G.Grignard
1 1951-05-27 Swiss Bremgarten 18th 18th 15th 15th 11th 11th 8th 8th 21th 21th 12th 12th 13th 13th 13th r r 9th 14th 10th r
2 1951-05-30 Indianapolis Indianapolis
3 1951-06-17 Belgium Spa-Francorchamps 11th 11th 8th 8th 7th 7th 10th 10th 9th 9th 12th 12th 13th 13th 7th 5th 4th r r 6th 8th
4 1951-07-01 France Reims 12th 12th 11th 11th 13th 13th 19th 19th 10th 10th 8th 8th 14th 14th r 7th r 9th r 6th 8th
5 1951-07-14 Great Britain Silverstone 14th 14th 9th 9th 13th 13th 11th 11th 13th 10th r 12th
6 1951-07-29 Germany Nurburgring 18th 18th 11th 11th 15th 15th 21th 21th 13th 13th 19th 19th 20th 20th 22th 22th 12th r 8th r r 9th r 10th
7 1951-09-16 Italy Monza 21th 21th 14th 14th 15th 15th 17th 17th 20th 20th 22th 22th r 8th 7th r r r
8 1951-10-28 Spain Pedralbes 15th 15th 14th 14th 20th 20th 13th 13th 12th 12th 16th 16th r r 7th 8th r r

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