Result - MARCH

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Name Nation
MARCH Great Britain


Starts Pass Don't Qualify Don't Start Disqualify
Prequalify 12car(s)[ 18th] 4car(s)[ 17th] 8car(s)[ 11th] 1car(s)[ 1st] 0car(s)[---]
Qualify 577car(s)[ 14th] 511car(s)[ 17th] 66car(s)[ 1st] 0car(s)[---] 0car(s)[---]
Final 497car(s)[ 17th]

10car(s)[ 8th] 4car(s)[ 9th]

Champion / Best
Champion Counts 0[---]
Ratio 0.0%[---]
Best Qualify 1st
Final 1st

Win Cars 3car(s)[ 21th]
Ratio 1.5%[ 34th]
Pole Position Cars 5car(s)[ 18th]
Ratio 2.4%[ 28th]
Fastest Lap Cars 7car(s)[ 17th]
Ratio 1.4%[ 33th]
Pole to Win Cars 0car(s)[---]
Ratio 0.0%[---]
Grandlslam Cars 0car(s)[---]
Ratio 0.0%[---]

Podium / Prize
Podium Cars 21car(s)[ 17th]
Ratio 4.2%[ 41th]
(ex. Win)
Cars 18car(s)[ 16th]
Ratio 3.6%[ 40th]
Prize Cars 58car(s)[ 28th]
Ratio 11.7%[ 60th]
(ex. Podium)
Cars 37car(s)[ 30th]
Ratio 7.4%[ 64th]

Finish Ratio 45.9%[ 89th]
Points 173.5pts.[ 28th]
Laps 21,438laps[ 20th]
Leader Laps 294laps[ 19th]

Race Grandprix
First Entry
1970 Round1 South Africa
First Final 1st race[ 1st] 1970 Round1 South Africa
First Finish 1st race[ 1st] 1970 Round1 South Africa
First Prize 1st race[ 1st] 1970 Round1 South Africa
First Podium 1st race[ 1st] 1970 Round1 South Africa
First Win 2nd race[ 6th] 1970 Round2 Spain
First PP 1st race[ 1st] 1970 Round1 South Africa
First FL 4th race[ 9th] 1970 Round4 Belgium
Last Entry
1992 Round16 Australia
Last Final
1992 Round16 Australia
Last Finish
1992 Round16 Australia
Last Prize
1992 Round7 Canada
Last Podium
1989 Round1 Brazil
Last Win
1976 Round13 Italy
Last PP
1976 Round12 Netherlands
Last FL
1989 Round7 France


1970 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978
1980 1981 1982 1987 1988 1989
1990 1992

Year - 1970

Finish Ratio
Qualify Best
Final Best
Round Date Grandprix Circuit Qualify / Grid Final
C.Amon J.Siffert J.Stewart J.Servoz-Gavin M.Andretti R.Peterson F.Cevert H.Hahne C.Amon J.Siffert J.Stewart J.Servoz-Gavin M.Andretti R.Peterson F.Cevert H.Hahne
1 1970-03-07 South Africa Kyalami 2nd 2nd 9th 9th 1st 1st 17th 17th 11th 11th r 10th 3rd r r
2 1970-04-19 Spain Jarama 6th 6th nq 3rd 3rd 14th 14th 16th 16th r 1st 5th 3rd
3 1970-05-10 Monaco Monte Carlo 2nd 2nd 11th 11th 1st 1st nq 12th 12th r 8th r 7th
4 1970-06-07 Belgium Spa-Francorchamps 3rd 3rd 10th 10th 1st 1st 9th 9th 2nd 7th r nc
5 1970-06-21 Netherlands Zandvoort 4th 4th 17th 17th 2nd 2nd 16th 16th 15th 15th r r 2nd 9th r
6 1970-07-05 France Clermont-Ferrand 3rd 3rd 16th 16th 4th 4th 9th 9th 13th 13th 2nd r 9th r 11th
7 1970-07-18 Great Britain Brands Hatch 18th 17th 21th 20th 8th 8th 9th 9th 14th 13th 15th 14th 5th r r r 9th 7th
8 1970-08-02 Germany Hockenheim 6th 6th 4th 4th 7th 7th 9th 9th 19th 19th 14th 14th nq r 8th r r r 7th
9 1970-08-16 Austria Osterreichring 6th 6th 20th 20th 4th 4th 18th 18th 9th 9th 8th 9th r r r
10 1970-09-06 Italy Monza 21th 18th 7th 7th 4th 4th 14th 13th 11th 11th 7th r 2nd r 6th
11 1970-09-20 Canada Mont-Tremblant 6th 6th 14th 14th 16th 16th 4th 4th 3rd r nc 9th
12 1970-10-04 United States Watkins Glen 5th 5th 23th 23th 15th 15th 17th 17th 5th 9th 11th r
13 1970-10-25 Mexico Mexico City 5th 5th 16th 16th 9th 9th 4th r r

To Top

Year - 1971

701, 711
Finish Ratio
Qualify Best
Final Best
Round Date Grandprix Circuit Qualify / Grid Final
A.Soler-Roig Adamich J.Love R.Peterson H.Pescarolo N.Galli S.Barber F.Mazet J.Max M.Beuttler N.Lauda J.P.Jarier A.Soler-Roig Adamich J.Love R.Peterson H.Pescarolo N.Galli S.Barber F.Mazet J.Max M.Beuttler N.Lauda J.P.Jarier
1 1971-03-06 South Africa Kyalami 25th 25th 22th 22th 21th 21th 13th 13th 18th 18th r 13th r 10th 11th
2 1971-04-18 Spain Montjuich Park 20th 20th 18th 18th 13th 13th 11th 11th r r r r
3 1971-05-23 Monaco Monte Carlo nq 8th 8th 13th 13th nq nq 2nd 8th
4 1971-06-20 Netherlands Zandvoort 17th 17th 13th 13th 15th 15th 20th 20th 24th 24th r 4th nc r nc
5 1971-07-04 France Paul Ricard 22th 21th 21th 20th 12th 12th 18th 18th 20th 24th 23th 23th 22th r r r r ns 13th nc
6 1971-07-17 Great Britain Silverstone 24th 24th 5th 5th 17th 17th 21th 21th 20th 20th nc 2nd 4th 11th r
7 1971-08-01 Germany Nurburgring 20th 20th 7th 7th 10th 10th 21th 21th 22th 22th r 5th r 12th dq
8 1971-08-15 Austria Osterreichring 11th 11th 13th 13th 15th 15th 19th 19th 21th 21th 8th 6th 12th nc r
9 1971-09-05 Italy Monza 20th 20th 6th 6th 10th 10th 19th 19th 16th 16th 24th 24th r 2nd r r r nc
10 1971-09-19 Canada Mosport Park 6th 6th 27th 20th 20th 24th 24th 22th 22th 2nd ns 16th r nc
11 1971-10-03 United States Watkins Glen 28th 26th 12th 11th 22th 20th 25th 23th 27th 25th 11th 3rd r r nc

To Top

Year - 1972

711, 721, 721G, 721X
Finish Ratio
Qualify Best
Final Best
Round Date Grandprix Circuit Qualify / Grid Final
H.Pescarolo R.Peterson N.Lauda C.Pace R.Stommelen M.Beuttler S.Barber H.Pescarolo R.Peterson N.Lauda C.Pace R.Stommelen M.Beuttler S.Barber
1 1972-01-23 Argentina Buenos Aires 15th 15th 10th 10th 22th 22th 8th 6th 11th
2 1972-03-04 South Africa Kyalami 22th 22th 9th 9th 21th 21th 24th 24th 25th 25th 11th 5th 7th 17th 13th
3 1972-05-01 Spain Jarama 19th 19th 9th 9th 25th 25th 16th 16th 17th 17th nq 11th r r 6th r
4 1972-05-14 Monaco Monte Carlo 9th 9th 15th 15th 22th 22th 24th 24th 25th 25th 23th 23th r 11th 16th 17th 10th 13th
5 1972-06-04 Belgium Nivelles 19th 19th 14th 14th 25th 25th 11th 11th 20th 20th 22th 22th nc 9th 12th 5th 11th r
6 1972-07-02 France Clermont-Ferrand 12th 9th 9th 24th 21th 11th 11th 16th 15th 26th 23th ns 5th r r 16th r
7 1972-07-15 Great Britain Brands Hatch 8th 8th 19th 19th 13th 13th 25th 25th 23th 23th 7th 9th r 10th 13th
8 1972-07-30 Germany Nurburgring 9th 9th 4th 4th 24th 24th 11th 11th 14th 14th 27th 27th r 3rd r nc r 8th
9 1972-08-13 Austria Osterreichring 25th 11th 11th 22th 22th 18th 18th 17th 17th 24th 24th ns 12th 10th nc 15th r
10 1972-09-10 Italy Monza nq 24th 24th 20th 20th 18th 18th 25th 25th 9th 13th r 10th
11 1972-09-24 Canada Mosport Park 21th 21th 3rd 3rd 19th 19th 18th 18th 24th 24th 22th 22th 13th dq dq 9th nc nc
12 1972-10-08 United States Watkins Glen 22th 22th 27th 26th 26th 25th 15th 15th 21th 21th 20th 20th 14th 4th nc r 13th 16th

To Top

Year - 1973

721G, 731
Finish Ratio
Qualify Best
Final Best
Round Date Grandprix Circuit Qualify / Grid Final
M.Beuttler J.P.Jarier H.Pescarolo D.Purley J.Hunt R.Wisell R.Williamson M.Beuttler J.P.Jarier H.Pescarolo D.Purley J.Hunt R.Wisell R.Williamson
1 1973-01-28 Argentina Buenos Aires 18th 18th 17th 17th 10th r
2 1973-02-11 Brazil Interlagos 19th 19th 15th 15th r r
3 1973-03-03 South Africa Kyalami 23th 23th 18th 18th nc nc
4 1973-04-29 Spain Montjuich Park 19th 19th 18th 18th 7th 8th
5 1973-05-20 Belgium Zolder 20th 20th 16th 16th 11th r
6 1973-06-03 Monaco Monte Carlo 21th 20th 14th 14th 24th 23th 18th 18th r r r 9th
7 1973-06-17 Sweden Anderstorp 21th 21th 20th 20th 14th 14th 8th r r
8 1973-07-01 France Paul Ricard 7th 7th 14th 14th 22th 22th r 6th r
9 1973-07-14 Great Britain Silverstone 24th 24th 16th ns 11th 11th 22th 22th 11th ns 4th r
10 1973-07-29 Netherlands Zandvoort 23th 23th 21th 21th 7th 7th 18th 18th r r 3rd r
11 1973-08-05 Germany Nurburgring 20th 19th 23th 22th 16th 15th
12 1973-08-19 Austria Osterreichring 11th 11th 12th 12th 9th 9th r r r
13 1973-09-09 Italy Monza 12th 12th 24th 24th 25th r 9th ns
14 1973-09-23 Canada Mosport Park 21th 21th 23th 23th 15th 15th r nc 7th
15 1973-10-07 United States Watkins Glen 27th 26th 18th 17th 5th 4th 10th r 2nd

To Top

Year - 1974

731, 741
Finish Ratio
Qualify Best
Final Best
Round Date Grandprix Circuit Qualify / Grid Final
H.J.Stuck H.Ganley J.Hunt V.Brambilla R.Wisell M.Wilds H.J.Stuck H.Ganley J.Hunt V.Brambilla R.Wisell M.Wilds
1 1974-01-13 Argentina Buenos Aires 23th 23th 19th 19th 5th 5th r 8th r
2 1974-01-27 Brazil Interlagos 13th 13th 20th 20th 18th 18th r r 9th
3 1974-03-30 South Africa Kyalami 7th 7th 19th 19th 5th 10th
4 1974-04-28 Spain Jarama 14th 13th 9th 4th ns
5 1974-05-12 Belgium Nivelles 10th 10th 31th 31th r 9th
6 1974-05-26 Monaco Monte Carlo 9th 9th 15th 15th r r
7 1974-06-09 Sweden Anderstorp 17th 17th 16th 16th 10th r
8 1974-06-23 Netherlands Zandvoort 22th 22th 15th 15th r 10th
9 1974-07-07 France Dijon-Prenois nq 16th 16th 11th
10 1974-07-20 Great Britain Brands Hatch 9th 9th 18th 18th nq r r
11 1974-08-04 Germany Nurburgring 20th 20th 23th 23th 7th 13th
12 1974-08-18 Austria Osterreichring 15th 15th 20th 20th 11th 6th
13 1974-09-08 Italy Monza 18th 18th 13th 13th r r
14 1974-09-22 Canada Mosport Park 23th 23th nq r
15 1974-10-06 United States Watkins Glen nq 25th 25th r

To Top

Year - 1975

741, 751
Finish Ratio
Qualify Best
Final Best
Round Date Grandprix Circuit Qualify / Grid Final
V.Brambilla L.Lombardi M.Donohue H.J.Stuck V.Brambilla L.Lombardi M.Donohue H.J.Stuck
1 1975-01-12 Argentina Buenos Aires 12th 12th 9th
2 1975-01-26 Brazil Interlagos 17th 17th r
3 1975-03-01 South Africa Kyalami 7th 7th 26th 26th r r
4 1975-04-27 Spain Montjuich Park 5th 5th 24th 24th 5th 6th
5 1975-05-11 Monaco Monte Carlo 5th 5th nq r
6 1975-05-25 Belgium Zolder 3rd 3rd 23th 23th r r
7 1975-06-08 Sweden Anderstorp 1st 1st 24th 24th r r
8 1975-06-22 Netherlands Zandvoort 11th 11th 23th 23th r 14th
9 1975-07-06 France Paul Ricard 8th 8th 26th 26th r 18th
10 1975-07-19 Great Britain Silverstone 5th 5th 22th 22th 15th 15th 14th 14th 6th r 5th r
11 1975-08-03 Germany Nurburgring 11th 11th 25th 25th 19th 19th 7th 7th r 7th r r
12 1975-08-17 Austria Osterreichring 8th 8th 22th 21th 21th ns 4th 4th 1st 17th ns r
13 1975-09-07 Italy Monza 9th 9th 24th 24th 16th 16th r r r
14 1975-10-05 United States Watkins Glen 6th 6th 13th 13th 7th 8th

To Top

Year - 1976

Finish Ratio
Qualify Best
Final Best
Round Date Grandprix Circuit Qualify / Grid Final
L.Lombardi V.Brambilla H.J.Stuck R.Peterson A.Merzario L.Lombardi V.Brambilla H.J.Stuck R.Peterson A.Merzario
1 1976-01-25 Brazil Interlagos 22th 22th 7th 7th 14th 14th 14th r 4th
2 1976-03-06 South Africa Kyalami 5th 5th 17th 17th 10th 10th 8th 12th r
3 1976-03-28 United States West Long Beach 8th 8th 18th 18th 6th 6th nq r r 10th
4 1976-05-02 Spain Jarama 6th 6th 17th 17th 16th 16th 18th 18th r r r r
5 1976-05-16 Belgium Zolder 5th 5th 15th 15th 10th 10th 21th 21th r r r r
6 1976-05-30 Monaco Monte Carlo 9th 9th 6th 6th 3rd 3rd nq r 4th r
7 1976-06-13 Sweden Anderstorp 15th 15th 20th 20th 9th 9th 19th 19th 10th r 7th 14th
8 1976-07-04 France Paul Ricard 11th 11th 17th 17th 6th 6th 20th 20th r 7th 19th 9th
9 1976-07-18 Great Britain Brands Hatch 10th 10th 17th 17th 7th 7th 9th 9th r r r r
10 1976-08-01 Germany Nurburgring 13th 13th 4th 4th 11th 11th r r r
11 1976-08-15 Austria Osterreichring 7th 7th 11th 11th 3rd 3rd r r 6th
12 1976-08-29 Netherlands Zandvoort 7th 7th 18th 18th 1st 1st 6th r r
13 1976-09-12 Italy Monza 16th 16th 6th 6th 8th 8th 7th r 1st
14 1976-10-03 Canada Mosport Park 3rd 3rd 8th 8th 2nd 2nd 14th r 9th
15 1976-10-10 United States East Watkins Glen 4th 4th 6th 6th 3rd 3rd r 5th r
16 1976-10-24 Japan Fuji Speed Way 8th 8th 18th 18th 9th 9th r r r

To Top

Year - 1977

761, 761B, 771
Finish Ratio
Qualify Best
Final Best
Round Date Grandprix Circuit Qualify / Grid Final
A.D.Ribeiro I.Scheckter B.Lunger H.J.Stuck B.Hayje B.Henton P.Neve A.Merzario Dryver M.Kozarowitsky A.Sutcliffe M.Bleekemolen A.D.Ribeiro I.Scheckter B.Lunger H.J.Stuck B.Hayje B.Henton P.Neve A.Merzario Dryver M.Kozarowitsky A.Sutcliffe M.Bleekemolen
1 1977-01-09 Argentina Buenos Aires 20th 20th 17th 17th r r
2 1977-01-23 Brazil Interlagos 21th 21th 17th 17th r r
3 1977-03-05 South Africa Kyalami 17th 17th 23th 23th 18th 18th 21th 21th r 14th r r
4 1977-04-03 United States West Long Beach 22th 22th 21th 21th 18th 18th r r 10th
5 1977-05-08 Spain Jarama nq 17th 17th 25th 25th nq nq 22th 22th 21th 21th 11th 10th 12th r
6 1977-05-22 Monaco Monte Carlo nq nq nq nq
7 1977-06-05 Belgium Zolder nq 21th 21th 27th 27th 24th 24th 14th 14th nq r 15th 10th 14th
8 1977-06-19 Sweden Anderstorp nq 21th 21th nq 20th 20th nq r 15th
9 1977-07-03 France Dijon-Prenois nq 20th 20th nq 18th 18th nc r
10 1977-07-16 Great Britain Silverstone nq 24th 24th nq 26th 26th 17th 17th r 10th r
11 1977-07-31 Germany Hockenheim 20th 20th 18th 18th nq nq 8th r
12 1977-08-14 Austria Osterreichring nq 24th 24th nq 22th 22th r 9th
13 1977-08-28 Netherlands Zandvoort 24th 24th 25th 25th nq nq nq nq 11th 10th
14 1977-09-11 Italy Monza nq 17th 17th 24th 24th r 7th
15 1977-10-02 United States East Watkins Glen 23th 23th 21th 21th 24th 24th 15th r 18th
16 1977-10-09 Canada Mosport Park 23th 23th 18th 18th 21th 21th 8th r r
17 1977-10-23 Japan Fuji Speed Way 23th 23th 12th

To Top

Year - 1978

Finish Ratio
Qualify Best
Final Best
Round Date Grandprix Circuit Qualify / Grid Final
P.Neve P.Neve
1 1978-01-15 Argentina Buenos Aires
2 1978-01-29 Brazil Rio de Janeiro
3 1978-03-04 South Africa Kyalami
4 1978-04-02 United States West Long Beach
5 1978-05-07 Monaco Monte Carlo
6 1978-05-21 Belgium Zolder
7 1978-06-04 Spain Jarama
8 1978-06-17 Sweden Anderstorp
9 1978-07-02 France Paul Ricard
10 1978-07-16 Great Britain Brands Hatch
11 1978-07-30 Germany Hockenheim
12 1978-08-13 Austria Osterreichring
13 1978-08-27 Netherlands Zandvoort
14 1978-09-10 Italy Monza
15 1978-10-01 United States East Watkins Glen
16 1978-10-08 Canada Montreal

To Top

Year - 1981

Finish Ratio
Qualify Best
Final Best
Round Date Grandprix Circuit Qualify / Grid Final
D.Daly E.Salazar D.Daly E.Salazar
1 1981-03-15 United States West Long Beach nq nq
2 1981-03-29 Brazil Rio de Janeiro nq nq
3 1981-04-12 Argentina Buenos Aires nq nq
4 1981-05-03 San Marino Imola nq 23th 23th r
5 1981-05-17 Belgium Zolder nq nq
6 1981-05-31 Monaco Monte Carlo
7 1981-06-21 Spain Jarama 22th 22th 16th
8 1981-07-05 France Dijon-Prenois 20th 20th r
9 1981-07-18 Great Britain Silverstone 17th 17th 7th
10 1981-08-02 Germany Hockenheim 21th 21th r
11 1981-08-16 Austria Osterreichring 19th 19th 11th
12 1981-08-30 Netherlands Zandvoort 19th 19th r
13 1981-09-13 Italy Monza 19th 19th r
14 1981-09-27 Canada Montreal 20th 20th 8th
15 1981-10-17 United States Las Vegas nq

To Top

Year - 1982

Finish Ratio
Qualify Best
Final Best
Round Date Grandprix Circuit Qualify / Grid Final
R.Boesel J.Mass Villota R.Keegan R.Boesel J.Mass Villota R.Keegan
1 1982-01-23 South Africa Kyalami 21th 21th 22th 22th 15th 12th
2 1982-03-21 Brazil Rio de Janeiro 17th 17th 22th 22th r 8th
3 1982-04-04 United States West Long Beach 23th 23th 21th 21th 9th 8th
4 1982-04-25 San Marino Imola
5 1982-05-09 Belgium Zolder 26th 24th 27th 25th 8th r
6 1982-05-23 Monaco Monte Carlo nq
7 1982-06-06 United States East Detroit 21th 21th 18th 18th nq r 7th
8 1982-06-13 Canada Montreal 21th 21th 22th 22th nq r 11th
9 1982-07-03 Netherlands Zandvoort 22th 22th 24th 24th r r
10 1982-07-18 Great Britain Brands Hatch nq 25th 25th 10th
11 1982-07-25 France Paul Ricard nq 26th 26th r
12 1982-08-08 Germany Hockenheim 25th 24th nq r
13 1982-08-15 Austria Osterreichring nq 24th 24th r
14 1982-08-29 Swiss Dijon-Prenois 24th 24th 22th 22th r r
15 1982-09-12 Italy Monza nq nq
16 1982-09-25 United States Las Vegas 25th 24th 26th 25th 13th 12th

To Top

Year - 1987

87P, 871
Finish Ratio
Qualify Best
Final Best
Round Date Grandprix Circuit Qualify / Grid Final
I.Capelli I.Capelli
1 1987-04-12 Brazil Rio de Janeiro 23th ns
2 1987-05-03 San Marino Imola 24th 22th r
3 1987-05-17 Belgium Spa-Francorchamps 21th 21th r
4 1987-05-31 Monaco Monte Carlo 19th 19th 6th
5 1987-06-21 United States Detroit 22th 22th r
6 1987-07-05 France Paul Ricard 22th 22th r
7 1987-07-12 Great Britain Silverstone 25th 25th r
8 1987-07-26 Germany Hockenheim 24th 24th r
9 1987-08-09 Hungary Hungaroring 18th 18th 10th
10 1987-08-16 Austria Osterreichring 23th 23th 11th
11 1987-09-06 Italy Monza 25th 25th 13th
12 1987-09-20 Portugal Estoril 22th 22th 9th
13 1987-09-27 Spain Jerez 19th 19th 12th
14 1987-10-18 Mexico Mexico City 20th 20th r
15 1987-11-01 Japan Suzuka 21th 20th r
16 1987-11-15 Australia Adelaide 23th 23th r

To Top

Year - 1988

Finish Ratio
Qualify Best
Final Best
Round Date Grandprix Circuit Qualify / Grid Final
M.Gugelmin I.Capelli M.Gugelmin I.Capelli
1 1988-04-03 Brazil Rio de Janeiro 13th 13th 9th 9th r r
2 1988-05-01 San Marino Imola 20th 20th 9th 9th 15th r
3 1988-05-15 Monaco Monte Carlo 14th 14th 22th 22th r 10th
4 1988-05-29 Mexico Mexico City 16th 16th 10th 10th r 16th
5 1988-06-12 Canada Montreal 18th 18th 14th 14th r 5th
6 1988-06-19 United States Detroit 13th 13th 21th r ns
7 1988-07-03 France Paul Ricard 16th 16th 10th 10th 8th 9th
8 1988-07-10 Great Britain Silverstone 5th 5th 6th 6th 4th r
9 1988-07-24 Germany Hockenheim 10th 10th 7th 7th 8th 5th
10 1988-08-07 Hungary Hungaroring 8th 8th 4th 4th 5th r
11 1988-08-28 Belgium Spa-Francorchamps 13th 13th 14th 14th r 3rd
12 1988-09-11 Italy Monza 13th 13th 11th 11th 8th 5th
13 1988-09-25 Portugal Estoril 5th 5th 3rd 3rd r 2nd
14 1988-10-02 Spain Jerez 11th 11th 6th 6th 7th r
15 1988-10-30 Japan Suzuka 13th 13th 4th 4th 10th r
16 1988-11-13 Australia Adelaide 19th 19th 9th 9th r 6th

To Top

Year - 1989

881, CG891
Finish Ratio
Qualify Best
Final Best
Round Date Grandprix Circuit Qualify / Grid Final
I.Capelli M.Gugelmin I.Capelli M.Gugelmin
1 1989-03-26 Brazil Rio de Janeiro 7th 7th 12th 12th r 3rd
2 1989-04-23 San Marino Imola 13th 13th 19th 19th r r
3 1989-05-07 Monaco Monte Carlo 22th 22th 14th 14th 11th r
4 1989-05-28 Mexico Mexico City 4th 4th nq r
5 1989-06-04 United States Phoenix 11th 11th 18th 18th r dq
6 1989-06-18 Canada Montreal 21th 21th 17th 17th r r
7 1989-07-09 France Paul Ricard 12th 12th 10th 10th r nc
8 1989-07-16 Great Britain Silverstone 8th 8th 6th 6th r r
9 1989-07-30 Germany Hockenheim 22th 22th 14th 14th r r
10 1989-08-13 Hungary Hungaroring 14th 14th 13th 13th r r
11 1989-08-27 Belgium Spa-Francorchamps 19th 19th 9th 9th 12th 7th
12 1989-09-10 Italy Monza 18th 18th 25th 25th r r
13 1989-09-24 Portugal Estoril 24th 24th 14th 14th r 10th
14 1989-10-01 Spain Jerez 19th 19th 26th 26th r r
15 1989-10-22 Japan Suzuka 17th 17th 20th 20th r 7th
16 1989-11-05 Australia Adelaide 16th 16th 25th 25th r 7th

To Top

Year - 1992

Finish Ratio
Qualify Best
Final Best
Round Date Grandprix Circuit Qualify / Grid Final
K.Wendlinger P.Belmondo E.Naspetti J.Lammers K.Wendlinger P.Belmondo E.Naspetti J.Lammers
1 1992-03-01 South Africa Kyalami 7th 7th nq r
2 1992-03-22 Mexico Mexico City 19th 19th nq r
3 1992-04-05 Brazil Interlagos 9th 9th nq r
4 1992-05-03 Spain Catalunya 9th 9th 23th 23th 8th 12th
5 1992-05-17 San Marino Imola 12th 12th 24th 24th 12th 13th
6 1992-05-31 Monaco Monte Carlo 16th 16th nq r
7 1992-06-14 Canada Montreal 12th 12th 20th 20th 4th 14th
8 1992-07-05 France Magny-Cours 21th 21th nq r
9 1992-07-12 Great Britain Silverstone 21th 21th nq r
10 1992-07-26 Germany Hockenheim 10th 10th 22th 22th 16th 13th
11 1992-08-16 Hungary Hungaroring 23th 23th 17th 17th r 9th
12 1992-08-30 Belgium Spa-Francorchamps 18th 18th 21th 21th 11th 12th
13 1992-09-13 Italy Monza 17th 17th 24th 24th 10th r
14 1992-09-27 Portugal Estoril 22th 22th 23th 23th r 11th
15 1992-10-25 Japan Suzuka 26th 26th 23th 23th 13th r
16 1992-11-08 Australia Adelaide 23th 23th 25th 25th r 12th

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